Pushpa 2, on its 22nd day, has finally come under the 10 crore mark at the box office with its Hindi version. In 22 days, the film stands at an estimated 739.75 crore with its Hindi version, and Allu Arjun will surely enter the 800 crore club this weekend as the film would yet again bounce back in the weekend.
In the third week, the film managed to earn a massive 107.25 crore. This is 1 crore more than the entire lifetime of what the first part earned with its Hindi version! Pushpa: The Rise earned 106 crore at the box office with its Hindi version
Pushpa 2 Hindi Box Office Day 22 Estimates
On the 22nd day, the fourth Thursday, December 26, the film earned in the range of 7.5 to 8 crore at the box office as per the early trends. This is a massive drop from the previous day, which earned 15.50 crore. But it is not a justified comparison since it was a Christmas Holiday!
Here is the week-wise breakdown of the film at the box office.
- Week 1: 433.50 crore (8-day extended week)
- Week 2: 199 crore
- Week 3: 107.25 crore* (estimated)
Total: 739.75 crore* (estimated)
Biggest Week 3
The film also registered the biggest week 3 collection at the box office, earning almost 37 crore more than the previous best Stree 2!
Here are the top 10 collections of the highest-third week of Hindi films.
- Pushpa 2: 107.25 crore* (estimated)
- Stree 2: 72.83 crore
- Baahubali 2: 69.75 crore
- Gadar 2: 63.35 crore
- Jawan: 52.06 crore
- Animal: 50.30 crore
- KGF: Chapter 2: 49.14 crore
- Dangal: 46.35 crore
- Pathaan: 45.65 crore
- PK: 41.61 crore
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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