The vibrant Malayalam film industry has enjoyed a national spotlight, with 2024 being hailed as a golden era thanks to unprecedented financial success. Films like Manjummel Boys, Aadujeevitham: The Goat Life, Aavesham, Premalu, A.R.M., Kishkindha Kaandam, and Marco captivated audiences nationwide. To the average moviegoer, everything is smooth sailing in Mollywood, with hit films rolling out one after another.
However, a recent Kerala Film Producers’ Association (KFPA) report revealed a staggering loss of INR 650–700 crores in 2024. While this may surprise fans, it’s something industry insiders and keen observers have long been aware of.
The Kerala Film Producers’ Association (KFPA) shared some eye-opening figures about the Malayalam film industry in 2024 on Saturday. Of the 204 films released this year, including remastered re-releases of 5 classic Malayalam films, only 26 achieved financial success, earning titles like super hit, hit, or average hit. These 26 films collectively brought a net profit of INR 300–350 crores. It’s worth noting that the figures mentioned by KFPA refer exclusively to net profits, not gross revenue. The rest, however, were flops, resulting in significant losses. The total investment in the industry this year was INR 1,000 crore.
KFPA Secretary B. Rakesh highlighted that for the second consecutive year, the Malayalam film industry has released over 200 films. However, similar to last year, the industry has faced mounting losses. Rakesh emphasized that the sheer number of releases is irrelevant; what truly matters is the quality, content, and narrative style of the films.
Rakesh further explained that the industry no longer benefits from the substantial pre-release business, and box office flops often struggle to land OTT deals. Many of these financial failures fail to attract interest from streaming platforms. As a result, producers are now forced to reassess production costs and make significant budget cuts to stay afloat.
He also pointed out that actors will need to take pay cuts, as their fees are one of the significant cost drivers in film production. He emphasized that the move must be adequate this time, unlike in the past when the actors ignored repeated requests for pay reductions.
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