The show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 13’ will be introducing a ‘red fanda week’, in the upcoming episode, where the host Rohit Shetty will instruct the contestants to cite the one daredevil, who has made it through the last two episodes on the strength of luck.
The ‘red fanda’, which stands for the threat of elimination, will go to Daisy Shah after contestants unanimously agree that she lucked out in the previous stunts.
According to the rules of the red fanda, to defend her position on the show, Daisy must compete with two contestants, who she should outperform to get rid of the elimination threat.
Daisy Shah and her competitors Aishwarya Sharma and Arjit Taneja must perform a daring stunt that will have them brave acrophobia and aquaphobia.
The contestants will be tasked with mounting up a tilted crane and collecting flags nestled in places that challenge their balance and induce vertigo.
Daisy Shah will have to make sure that she’s not the worst performer among the three. The stakes are that the fanda shall pass on to the worst performer of this stunt. Will Daisy be able to prove her mettle as a daredevil?
Commenting on the challenge, Daisy said: “It was exciting to perform a stunt where both the elements of water and height were involved. I had to defend my position and make a statement that I am not only lucky, I’m hard working too. I hope the audience will embrace me as I get into my khiladi element. Aishwarya and Arjit were great competitors. I can’t wait for everyone to watch how the red fanda week panned out for us.”
‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 13’ airs on Colors.
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